Why Is Every Silicon Valley Billionaire Going Around Manipulation Our Elections?

They are clearly a bunch of egotistical sociopath narcissists but there is more to it than just the fact that they are Stanford assholes.

From their bolt-holes in Atherton and SOMA, San Francisco they run huge Machiavellian covert manipulation schemes with names like "Crowdstrike", "Acronym", "In-Q-Tel", "BlueWave", "Media Matters", "Jigsaw" and other front titles.

Google's Jared Cohen, a Ms. Green and Eric Schmidt even went so far as attempting to over-throw Arabs in the Middle East with cheeky spy software and PR.

These people seem to be insane. They use retail services to trick voters into doing things they would never naturally do if they were aware of the whole scheme.

In the case of Google, it is obvious that Google is pushing Pete Buttigig for President because Google staff are mostly gay and sexually extreme..as their Linkedin pages prove. You can see the vast number of Google people that love to dress up in animal custumes and have sex. They call themselves "furries". Weird tattoos and extreme hair dye permeates the social media sites of Google's staff sites. Google is in the news for finding record numbers of used condoms in their stairwells and for volumes of sex slave, anal sex slave and triple sex scandals with the bosses of Google. Of course Google is going to push Pete Buttigig!

That is not the discussion issue here. There is something far darker going on with Silicon Valley billionaires.